About the team

we are a fun loving group consisting of 6 members from different schools;

School of Materials Science and Engineering

Year 1

A Tony Stark Wannbe


School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

(Not Baby) Boss 😉 But just as cute ^_^


School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Majoring in Chemistry. Year 2.

Better not mess with him. He’s armed with a coin and he’s not afraid of using it. >:D

Jin Min

School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

Year 1 majoring in Mathematics.

Kawaii desu *_*


Nanyang Business School

Year 2 Majoring in Accountancy

Can pull off lace like nobody else 😉

Sim Yun Zhen

School of Biological Sciences

Year 2

Secretly belongs to the Lord Of The Rings universe. Accidentally wandered into Earth.