3 steps to emotional healing

• reach out to your support system.
According to Tonya, psychotherapist, people often turn to isolation when struggling with grief or depression. However reconnecting yourself to people you often use to hang out with, do activities that you often indulge in before falling into this deep hole will help alot.

After which of reconnecting with the activities and people, it is the time to reflect back about the grief and sadness that you experienced, a review to better understand the situation and yourself.
Question such as “what did you do to get through the grief”,”Who helped you?” and how you can continue to stay out this grief.
Some will think that by thinking about it again is as good as falling back into the trap. however allowing yourself to review the sadness shows how tough you were to survive. And also a time in which you could consider other options in future when dealt with grief. This applies well to me when sometimes I thought back about a quarrel I encountered with and I realised how silly I was and there were ways in which I could better deal it with.

“Allow your body to be active as you engage with the world, but also let your emotions rest, as they have been on a roller coaster of sadness, darkness and re-emergence to light.”

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