Interesting topics / reads from research methods learnt

Pet Loss and Human Emotion: A guide to recovery

Through this book, there are many topics surrounding the topic on the aftermath of losing a pet.
3 main key points that popped up to me was:
1  The human-companion animal bond
         Pet provides companionship, protection, entertainment, stimulus for exercise, social opportunities, and a chance to love and nurture something.

2  Behavioural manifestation of grief and loss
3  Thoughts about losing and loving companion animals


A Qualitative Study on the Death of a Companion Animal

This article’s research approach is based on a method of narrative reflections on one’s experience: Autoethnography [to research and describe about personal experience]
To explore the meaning of the loss of a pet.

Animals perceived as integral members of modern family
Companion animals hold a significant place in the lives of many at each stage of the life cycle
Narrative reflections serves as research and therapy.


Companion animal euthanasia
“a humane method of terminating the life of an animal who is dearly loved, but has little or no hope for recovery.”

Coming to terms that you will lose your pet eventually is heart-wrenching. Needless to say, whether or not to undergo euthanasia for the pet is another distressing decision. Not much information are provided to prepare owners before and after the loss of pets, lack alone the procedure of euthanasia.


Ref to The Human–Animal Bond and Grief (Lagoni, Butler, & Hetts, 1994) for grief support over pet loss.

From The Psychology of the Human – Animal Bond

Have dogs become a replacement to having kids?
Have dogs become a replacement to having kids?

It is interesting how people actually rather keep a pet than having a child. Do pets give them more affection? A better companion?