


Cannabis or Marijuana refers to dried leaves, stem, flowers, seed from the hemp plant commonly known as Cannabis Sativa. It is easily identified by its characteristic smell and shape of leaves containing cystolithic trichomes. The closest relative to cannabis is the hop plant. Marijuana affects the body in many different ways. Short term effect of the use of cannabis includes changes in mood, impaired memory, altered senses and many others. Long-term use of cannabis may have a permanent effect on the brain’s cognitive functions. Although legal under prescribed used only, in 2015, United States have seen more than 11 million young adults aged 18 to 25 using marijuana. It is also the most commonly used illicit drugs in the United States. According to Monitoring the Future survey conducted in the United States, illicit use of drugs such as marijuana has fell but the number of young people who believe that marijuana is risky have been at a steady decline. Hence, it is pertinent to educate the society about the risks of marijuana and to prevent marijuana addiction.
