Implications on Society


Due to the chemical properties of Marijuana, it provides positive and negative impacts on the society.

According to past researchers, having Marijuana being legalised do not create social problems but instead reducing the crime offences such as murder and assault. Eleven states that have approved the consumption of Marijuana are being analysed on their crime rates. Based on the FBI data, none of these states encountered any increment in crime offences but a decrease in homicide and assaults are being noticed. 

Apart from social issues, the use of Marijuana saves people from Opiates. Based on the study conducted by researchers from McGill University, the number of deaths involved with consumption of commonly prescribed painkillers is higher than that from overdosing of medical marijuana. 

However, on contrary, marijuana have its adverse impact on both physical health of people and to the society.

Consumption of marijuana damages the brain functionality. One example of a short term damage to the brain is the marijuana intoxication which impairs the intellectual activities and activities that require bodily control such as driving. Besides experiencing short-term damages, excessive and constant consumption of marijuana can lead to long term damages as well such as impairments in brain functions that impact memory, attention, learning and information processing.  


Besides experiencing detrimental physical health impact, it causes social issues to arise. As mentioned earlier, people who consume marijuana have poorer brain functionality and hence for adolescents who consumed marijuana, they have a reduced intellectual level which leads to poorer educational outcomes. One example will be the research conducted in New Zealand and Australia where they discovered that adolescents who used marijuana regularly were significantly less likely to graduate than their non-using peers who do not consume.

In Singapore, cannabis is classified as a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Possession or consumption of cannabis might cause you to be sentenced to up to 10 years of imprisonment or S$20,000 fine or BOTH

