Meeting Log 1 – 15/02/2017

Location, time and duration of the meeting.

LT 23, 3.00 PM, 15 minutes

Team members who attended and members who missed the meeting with clarification on their reasons for missing it.

All members were present.

Topics discussed (briefly)

  1. Discussion on the topic to be chosen for the blog.
  2. Briefly discussed the required tasks of the blog.

Tasks to be done before the next meeting and who has been assigned/agreed on doing them.

  1. Email Professor Felipe on chosen topic (Consequences of Climate Change) – (Junnesha)

Problems arising if any


Plan of action

  1. Email Professor Felipe on chosen topic (Consequences of Climate Change) by 17/02/2017.

Image Reference:

Improve your meeting ROI. (2017). 71.0 KB. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from