Tag Archives: Atmosphere

CM8001: AE4 Answers

  1. The energy that leaves the Earth’s surface as radiation is absorbed via the greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. Thus, the energy is retained within the atmospheric layer instead of actually leaving the Earth as “loss of energy”.
  2. Global warming will make winters colder. The worsened global warming will increase the precipitation because the atmosphere can hold more moisture. There will be an increase in cold air and water vapour, and therefore, an increase in snow; the statement is incorrect.
  3. Our group’s assumption is that the absorption of microwave radiation by water in the atmosphere interferes with the detection of intended objects, or that it was necessary to shield the radar to protect people around it from harmful microwaves that could interact with the water in their bodies.
  4. Air quality is the most vital. Although all are important in the long run, we can feel the effects on our health immediately, like the scenario in Beijing at the moment. Global warming and ozone depletion take time to worsen.