AE 4 (15 Feb ’17)

  1. The earth does not cool rapidly due to the atmosphere retaining much of the emitted heat energy. This is despite the fact that the amount of energy emitted is more than double the amount received.
  2. We decided that the statement in the picture is incorrect and unjustified. We believe that it is meant to make fun of those who remain ignorant to global warming, as well as remain unaware of the differences between weather and climate. The existence of seasons (such as winter, that are cold) does not mean that the earth is getting cooler. Furthermore, the main difference between weather and climate is the measure of time; this refers to how climate describes weather over a long time whereas weather remains as a short-term explanation of the atmospheric condition during a short period of time.
  3. It was unsuccessful because the absorption of the microwave radiation by water in the atmosphere interfered with the detection of the objects.
  4. For our group, we chose air quality for the short-term consequence. This is because it directly affects us (eg. haze in Singapore – unable to go out without wearing masks/having to close the windows/etc.). As for the long-term consequence, we chose stratospheric ozone depletion. This is due to the fact that it is linked to global warming, in that ozone depletion limits the absorption of harmful ultraviolet rays. The ozone layer act as a filter to protect us from the harmful ultraviolet rays, therefore, the thinning layer of ozone in the long run will prove harmful to us.