

What is a polymer?


Picture adapted from “”


Poly = many

Mer = part/sub-unit

Therefore, a polymer is a large molecule or macromolecule that is made up of many monomers (subunit) to form a long chain.

When people talk about polymer, the first thing you will think about is plastics.

However, not all polymers are plastic.

Wool, cotton, silk and leather are natural polymers that have been used since ancient times.

How are polymers made?


Picture adapted from “”

Polymers are made through a chemical process called polymerization.

Monomers, a single unit of the molecule, are being linked to become polymers.

They are connected through the formation of new covalent bonds at the end of the sides of the monomers.

There are many polymers in the world.

For example polyethylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and etc.


  1. Polymers – Crash Course Chemistry #45 . Polymers – Crash Course Chemistry #45 – YouTube. 2014 Jan 6 [accessed 2017 Mar 1].
  2. Maria S. What’s the difference between a monomer and a polymer? What’s the difference between a monomer and a polymer? – Quora. 2015 Sep 4 [accessed 2017 Mar 1].