Question 1

a: C5H9N3

b    :

c: The amine groups can form hydrogen bonding with the water molecules, thus making the compound water-soluble.

Question 2

a: C16H21N3

b: there is a common ringed N-C5H4N functional group in both the molecular formula of histamines and antihistamines. This functional group can compete to bind with cell membrane receptor site.

Question 3

Drugs that produces a physiological response:

Amphetamine – induces physiological response such as insomnia

Estrogen- induces physiological response such as female characteristics due to presence of the female hormones.

Drugs that that can inhibit the growth of substances that cause infections:

Antibiotic, Aspirin, Penicillin – These drugs inhibit those substances that cause infection to relieve pain in the body.

We feel that morphine can be classified in both groups  because it can inhibit substances that cause infections by relieving pain and at the same time if morphine is taken in high dosages it can have bad side effects such as being overly high and aroused.

Question 4

a) The herbal supplement manufacturers can put the details on the packaging.

b) Singapore has  HSA has Medicine act and guidelines for traditional medicinal materials that regulate the herbal medicine.

In addition, a traditional medicine unit was set up in the Ministry of Health in November 1995. Act 34, the TCM Practitioners Act of 2000 was also passed in 2000, to allow to government to approve or reject applications for TCM clinics’ registration.