

As the haze contains contaminants including dust and smoke particles, water bodies such as reservoirs and rivers will be polluted. The pollution of reservoirs – and thus, drinking water – could lead to spread of diseases with the symptoms such as diarrhoea. The contamination of the habitat of aquatic organisms could affect the ecology (the food chain). For example, a paper published in Global Change Biology suggests that photosynthesis level in not only land plants, but also coral reefs and mangroves is significantly decreased by the effect of haze. The haze is also known to possibly cause coral bleaching.

The impact of haze on organisms that are more delicate than mammals like us is much more likely to be serious than they symptoms we may have such as asthma, and it is known that the wildlife lacks the immunity to resist the haze. As botanist Lahiru Wijedasa (NUS) implicated, studies on the effect of haze on biodiversity and ecosystems has not yet been extensively investigated, but the ecological implications certainly are of great concern.

The impact on marine life is also of great concern as haze threatens biodiversity in its ecosystem (ocean). For example, the reduced reach of sunlight due to the haze and the particles in haze that settle on coastal areas are decreasing the viability of sunlight-dependent phytoplanktons which are one of the major source of food for many marine organisms.


haze environment에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Image source: http://gleanerblogs.com/socialimpact/?p=2767

Reference: https://news.mongabay.com/2015/11/haze-killing-the-mood-for-southeast-asias-wildlife/
